ODR – An innovative workflow for the processing of results obtained with the laboratory technique Western blot.
Are you tired of investing a good deal of time in performing a routine task such as the processing of Western blot results? If so, let´s try out our software ODR!
ORD allows the processing of Western blot results by directly capturing images with your mobile phone or importing previously digitized images. Image processing and subsequent protein relative quantification are fully performed in the mobile device, in just a few minutes. The obtained results are graphically visualized, and can be exported in a file format compatible with the most common spreadsheet.
The benefits of using ODR are:
• Efficiency: a faster methodology leads to time efficiency in the data analysis process to be invested in more productive research activities;
• Accuracy: ODR is designed to provide an automated workflow to reduce any potential source of error. Reduced error rate leads to higher accuracy and reproducibility in the results.
Do you dare trying a new way of making science? Then, don´t be shy, and try ODR!
Thank you!